Family Counseling Ministry

First Congregational Church is part of the Susquehanna Family Counseling Ministry. The Family Counseling Ministry is a resource provided since 1975 by the Susquehanna Association of the New York Conference, United Church of Christ, to clergy and the churches they serve, regardless of denominational affiliation.

Family Counseling Ministry offers professional counseling and psychotherapy to families, couples, individuals, and groups. Clergy may refer parishioners to any of the counselors with assurance that they will be seen by one of the counselors as quickly as necessary – no matter how busy the counselors are. All the counselors are experienced in dealing with family problems, marital issues, divorce adjustment, depression, anxiety, grief reactions, anger, physical and sexual abuse, employment and job concerns and other family, couple and personal concerns. Each counselor also has his or her own areas of expertise, which are of value in case consultations, clergy workshops and church presentations. Confidentiality is assured for every client except in cases where there is harm to self, others, or child abuse.

The full fee per session is $120; however, a sliding fee scale is used according to family size and income, which can go as low as $10 for member churches.

For more information, please call Wayne Gustafson, Senior Clinician at (607) 857-0003 or visit