Caring Ministries

The Caring Team ministries are the heartbeat of First Congregational Church.  There are numerous avenues to share time, talents, and compassion in the church community.   Caring works two ways:  when you’re on top of your game, you have energy to give more of yourself. At other times you are the one who needs support.  Everyone can be on the receiving end of caring, or on the giving.

We offer training to naturally caring individuals to address many of the situations that we have.  This training is offered regularly to interested parties.


Members of the Caring Team can come with you to the doctor – everyone needs a patient advocate at some time.  We can call you, send emails, cards, and texts. We can deliver a meal, a hug or two, give you a ride, or read to you.

Special support is also offered to those who find themselves in the challenging role of caregivers.


Although the Caring Team is one of First Congregational Church’s formal Action Groups, members gravitate to their personal areas of expertise and interest in a variety of subgroups.

Hospitality people are faces of welcome at First Congregational Church.

Immediately following Sunday Worship, children and grownups head to the lobby, where coffee, tea, and snacks are waiting. After the initial rush, you can sit and visit with these Caring Team members during this fellowship hour.

On the first Sunday of the month, you can follow the aromas of good food downstairs to fellowship hall, where hospitality has set up a Dish to Pass lunch. All are welcome, even if you didn’t bring a dish!

There is something therapeutic about being comforted by lovingly-served refreshments at a reception following a memorial service.

Altar flowers are supplied by members and friends to those who have experienced a recent loss of a loved one, or in honor of a family member.  Flowers left on the altar after church are delivered to folks who are confined to home or a care facility.

Christmas poinsettias and Easter lilies are hand-delivered by members of the entire team during the Holidays. There is nothing like it!

If you are recovering in a hospital, we will send you a bouquet of caring flowers!