Church Groups

There are church groups for everyone at the First Congregational Church! We offer traditional programs to support our ministries of education, caring, mission, and outreach. We also engage in bold, new initiatives to proclaim the radical welcome of God. You are invited to join us in any and all of our ministries and groups. We know that through action as a community of faith, we can make a difference in our world.



FCCI’s Ministries

Our church has five ministry spheres:  Spiritual Growth, Communications, Congregational Support, Facilities and Space, and Development and Finance.  Each of these spheres is headed by a ministry coordinator who oversees action groups, and each of these action groups is populated by volunteers.  Every member of our church is encouraged to volunteer in one or more of our five spheres.  We believe that ministry is done by all of the church’s people, because each one of us has a unique gift to offer that will enrich the life of our church.

Fellowship Groups

FCCI has many fellowship groups that bring people together in ways that enrich our faith and community! Here are a few that might interest you.

Book Groups – We offer many book groups throughout the year on topics such as anti-racism, climate change, theology, progressive Christianity, prayer, etc. Check FCCI’s calendar and announcements to join!

Dish to Pass – Each month after the worship service, we gather in the Fellowship Hall for a meal together. Each family is invited to bring a dish to share with other members of the church family.

Kids & Family Fellowship Groups – A group of families with children meets regularly for Bible study or book discussions and fellowship.

Men’s Ministries – A breakfast group meets on the second Tuesday of every month at 8:30am. We discuss various topics that intersect with our faith from the worlds of politics, history, economics, theology, etc. A group of articles will be circulated in advance – usually from a major newspaper or journal – to get the conversation started.

Women’s Book Study – Every Monday morning a group of women meet for fellowship and read and discuss a book together.

Wo/men’s Ministries: For women-identifying individuals, non-binary and gender non-conforming and gender conforming people. Wo/men’s Ministries offers opportunities for connection, support of each other’s spiritual journeys, and some fun together. Historically, the group offered retreats, dinners, communion breakfasts, potlucks with discussion topics, day trips and more.

Yarn Group – We enjoy knitting and/or crocheting prayer shawls to bring comfort or to celebrate events in people’s lives. The shawls are delivered by the Caring Committee to recipients identified by the Caring Committee, Minister, and other members of our congregation. We meet in each other’s homes every second and fourth Tuesday and enjoy conversation and tea while we work on our projects.

Contact the church office ( for more information about all of our groups.