Service Work

The children and youth at our church are involved in various service projects throughout the year such as Thanksgiving food baskets delivered to needy families in the area; the Warm Woolly Tree for collecting scarves, hats and mittens; making lunches for the Rescue Mission, gathering items for local food pantries, and collecting children’s books for at risk children.

Our middle school and high school youth have also participated in various work trips both locally and out of state.

The Stuffy Wellness Center Project

Stuff Wellness Center

The Stuffy Wellness Center Project is a children and youth service project that collects previously loved plush toys and rehabilitates them for new adventures. The ultimate goals of this project are to reduce the plush toy waste in our community and to increase love, care and joy for all. We are partnered with Finger Lakes Reuse and The Gemm Shop of Trumansburg to source our plush toys. Several area churches and the general public also donate plush toys to the program.

How Does the Program Work?

Once received, we sort the plush toys into categories ranging from “simple spa day” to “full rejuvenation package” and in severe cases “organ donor”. No matter what the toys need, they all receive a thorough deep cleaning. Once all treatments are complete, our Sunday School children and youth work together to create new identities for each plush toy. These toys are then ready for adoption by people of any age.

Do All the Stuffies Get Adopted?

We do our best to give all donated plush toys another chance for adventures but some are just not able to continue having adventures in their original form. So we create new items for use or wear, using as much as we can of the materials. Current reuse creations include: puppets, bookmarks, pocket hugs, headbands, teddy chairs – with many more ideas to come!

How Can I Help?

Donate Plush Toys: Any age or condition stuffed toy is welcome to be donated. Please email to arrange a time to drop off your donations. Office hours are Monday – Friday 9am-1pm
Volunteer for Repairs: Any one with hand sewing skills is welcome to help with repairs and repurpose projects – either at our location or from home. Please email for details.
Adopt: Our upcoming public adoption events are at Ithacon (the annual comic convention held at Ithaca College) April 4-5, 2025 and the First Congregational Church of Ithaca booth at Ithaca Festival (May 30-June1, 2025). Anyone can adopt free of charge at these events but are welcome to give a donation so we can keep the program going and growing.
Group Adopt: If your organization would benefit from having plush toys available for adoption within your own existing children, youth and/or senior citizen programs, we can offer you adoption ready plush toys free of charge. Email for details.
Host an Adoption Event: If your business or organization would like to include the Stuffy Wellness Center in your next event, please email

Who’s Currently Available for Adoption?

Hello My Name Is: Joy (Big Foot Bear)
Birthday: September 3
Favorite Color: Purple
Favorite Music Artist: Taylor Swift
Favorite Activities: Sleeping and singing
Favorite Book: Bedtime Stories
Hello My Name Is: McKenzie (Multi color Dog)
Birthday: February 16
Favorite Color: Light Yellow
Favorite Music: Calm Piano
Favorite Activities: Running
Favorite Book: Art Dog
Hello My Name Is: Lyia (Tan Bear)
Birthday: February 2
Favorite Color: Red
Favorite Music: Sia
Favorite Activities: Playing in the Snow
Favorite Type of Book: Chapter Books
Hello My Name Is: Billy (Black Bear)
Birthday: July 4
Favorite Color: Red
Favorite Song: New York, New York
Favorite Activities: Walking in Central Park
Favorite Type of Book: History of the Statue of Liberty