The Junior Choir is composed of young singers in kindergarten through 5th grade, led by our Children’s Music Associate. We perform four times a year, often inspiring the congregation to join in our joyful music and dancing. In our practices, which take place after church a few weeks before each performance, we build musical concepts through games and community. Contact DarlynneOverbaugh@fccithaca.org for more information.

The Pentecost Singers is a choral ensemble of singers in grades 6-12, led by our Children’s Music Associate. We perform four times a year, singing both classical choral pieces and more modern works like Pentatonix. We welcome new members of any level of musical experience who share a love of singing. Contact DarlynneOverbaugh@fccithaca.org for more information.

The Instrumental Ensemble is open to any musician comfortable reading music. Our Music Director arranges the parts for each performance’s specific combination of strings, woodwinds, brass, and percussion. Our Children’s Music Associate leads rehearsals a few Sundays prior to our performances on Christmas Eve and Celebration Sunday. Contact DarlynneOverbaugh@fccithaca.org for more information.