In addition to being a UCC minister, I love my family, root for the New York Yankees, and appreciate culture in its many forms. My church ministry focuses on one goal – to help people become healing, peaceful, compassionate, justice-oriented, and loving followers of Jesus.
I hold degrees from Messiah College (B.A.), Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary (M.Div.), Harvard University (Th.M.), and the University of Toronto (Ph.D.). I served as FCCI’s Associate Minister from 2005-2009, served churches in Massachusetts, worked as an interim college chaplain at the University of Toronto, and filled the pulpit regularly at the College Street United Church in Toronto. I was a research fellow at the Jackman Humanities Institute in Toronto, and I have taught courses at the University of Toronto, St. Olaf College, the New York School of Ministry, and Cornell University. My publications in the study of religion explore a variety of topics, but my first book focused on law and religion (Matthew, Paul, and the Anthropology of Law [Mohr Siebeck, 2016]). My recent book is Christianity in Blue: How the Bible, History, Philosophy, and Theology Shape Progressive Identity (Fortress Press).
As Senior Minister at FCCI, I work closely with our members and friends to expand our church’s impact in our personal lives, in our Ithaca community, and in our world. We completed a three year capital improvements campaign, concluded a two year discernment process to become a sanctuary church, built solid interfaith partnerships, and launched a five year strategic planning initiative. Our church is growing, vibrant, progressive, and committed to following the example of Jesus. I look forward to meeting you soon!
Individuals, groups, and members of the press can reach me by emailing the church office: office@fccithaca.org