Congregational Questions

What do you value personally at FCCI?  What makes this place special to you? 

Each Sunday we exhort each other to “be the church“, to love our neighbors and our planet, and to live more fully into the image of God.  But to be the church is also to remember that together we are the church.  This fall, as we celebrate 60 years in Cayuga Heights, a small group of our members with Council’s blessing, wishes to learn from you the things that you value most about FCCI.

We encourage you to reflect on these questions, to help our leadership continue to craft an experience of church that brings blessing to your life. You can submit your answers on a paper form and place it in the offering plate or in the box on the front table, or you can participate online by clicking here. By answering these questions you will be helping a great deal to plan for the future of FCCI! Thank you!